Our No.1 Pick
Introduction to the Japanese Language (EBook Pack)

Embarking on the journey of learning a new language can be daunting, but our number one pick “Introduction to the Japanese Language (eBook Pack)” offers a comprehensive and structured approach that makes this endeavor both manageable and enjoyable. The pack starts with “An Introduction to Japanese Syntax, Grammar, and Language,” a thorough guide that lays a solid foundation in grammar and alphabets, ensuring learners grasp the essentials before progressing.

This methodical approach continues with “List of 1000 Kanji,” where students are introduced to the vital symbols of the Japanese language, enriching their understanding and ability to read and write. Vocabulary acquisition is made easy and effective with “English to Japanese Vocabulary N5 & N4,” targeting the most crucial words for beginners and intermediate learners. This eBook ensures that learners have the necessary lexicon to communicate effectively.

Lastly, “First Year Japanese Practice” offers an invaluable tool for reinforcing learning through practical exercises, providing a year’s worth of questions and answers to test fluency and consolidate knowledge. Organized in order of importance, this eBook pack is a treasure trove for anyone looking to start or restart their journey in learning Japanese. It’s an indispensable resource that promises to guide learners through the complexities of the language with ease and confidence.

Cost: $19.99 (Digital)

  • Structured Learning Path
  • Comprehensive Grammar Guide
  • Kanji Mastery
  • Targeted Vocabulary Building
  • Practical Experience
  • Convenience and Accessibility
  • Cons
  • Slow pacing

    Adventures in Japanese is aimed at junior high and high school learners and as such, the material is not as comprehensive as you might find in other textbooks.

    That’s not necessarily a bad thing. The simple “this = this” explanations enable you to dive into using and understanding Japanese right away.

    A unique feature of AIJ not found in other books is the lesson review at the end of each chapter. You’re given grammar exercises that test your knowledge on key concepts from the chapter and a checklist of things you “can do” with your new knowledge. If you’re not passing the review quiz or can’t check off an item on the checklist, you know exactly what you need to study before moving on. This is a great barometer for progress and a great selling point for this series.

    Cost: $64.01+ (New)

  • Aimed at junior high and high school
  • Easy to self-measure progress
  • Great companion website
  • Audio CDs and workbook available
  • Cons
  • Concepts can be overly simple
  • In an effort to simplify complex grammar points, some explanations can become confusing
  • Expensive

    Elementary Japanese is something of a hidden gem. It was written for classrooms and self-learners, so you can use it in a variety of situations. You can practice reading everything you learned from WaniKani, because the kanji has no furigana!

    But the grammar explanations are the best feature of this textbook. They are thorough, but conversational. You never feel like they’ve been “dumbed down,” yet they’re not confusing either.

    A few drawbacks: romaji sticks around well past page 100 before it’s dropped completely. Also, the design is on the plain side, which makes it hard to find the dividing lines between different sections like grammar explanations, dialogues, and exercises.

    For self-learners on a budget, this is one of the best values. It’s packed with information and teaches it really well. And for the low price, you won’t regret the purchase, even if it doesn’t turn out to be your absolute favorite Japanese textbook.

    Cost: $23.49+ (New)

  • Affordable
  • Companion CD-Rom included
  • Written for classrooms and self-learners
  • Built around grammar, not teaching situations
  • Grammar explanations are clear, concise, and thorough
  • Lots of kanji and little to no furigana
  • Cons
  • Takes a while to drop romaji completely
  • Design can be visually confusing at a glance

    Particles are tough because we don’t have them in English; they’re difficult to define and seem to only supply context to sentences, not actual meaning. All About Particles attempts to show all of the different usages of all particles in Japanese with short explanations and supporting context sentences.

    All sixty-nine particles are ordered by frequency, many of the context sentences provide two English translations for clarity, and there are helpful notes offering further explanation throughout the book. There is also romaji under each Japanese sentence if you aren’t familiar with the kanji.

    Because it uses example sentences to show context, it’s more useful once you’ve made your way through at least one beginner Japanese textbook. However, it’s also helpful as a reference to provide more context as you learn these particles in your textbook or class of choice. And the sentences don’t go too far beyond the beginner level, so students should be able to understand the meanings and the context for each particle.

    Cost: Print (new): $13.99, E-book: $9.99

  • Affordable
  • Example sentences used for context
  • Multiple usage explanations for each particle
  • Built around grammar, not teaching situations
  • Ordered by frequency and importance
  • Cons
  • May be too complicated for brand new beginners

    The Handbook of Japanese Adjectives and Adverbs is very much the same as The Handbook of Japanese Verbs, in that it’s formatted the same way and written by the same author. While the book calls itself a “dictionary,” it’s much more like a textbook that teaches grammar through adjectives and adverbs.

    This book is a two-in-one, with the first half dedicated to adjectives and the second to adverbs. Adjectives focus on conjugations plus grammar, which is especially important when learning from English, which doesn’t conjugate adjectives. Adverbs focus on grammar usage (since they don’t conjugate), making this even more of a textbook-type grammar resource than a typical “dictionary.”

    It probably won’t cover the same content as your textbook in the way the verb handbook does, but it has the same formatting, style, and tone of voice. It assumes you know everything about English grammar, but it has tons of example sentence and practice sections—making it a great beginner resource to solidify your adjective and adverb knowledge.

    Cost: $20.49+ (New)

  • Affordable
  • Extensive content on usage
  • Tons of conjugation and usage practice
  • Tons of example sentences
  • Reinforces textbooks
  • Nice layout and formatting
  • Cons
  • More of a textbook than a reference book
  • Difficult grammatical terms for early explanations
  • Focus on romaji may be a turnoff for some