Hazal Kaya Age: At the time of 2023, Hazal Kaya is 32 years old. The actress was born on October 1, 1990.

Hazal Kaya is best known for her exceptional performances in several renowned movies, including: “Aşk-ı Memnu” (Forbidden Love) and “Behzat Ç. Ankara Yanıyor” (Behzat Ç. The Ankara Incident)”.

Enchanting and Alluring Profile Details of Hazal Kaya

Real NameLeyla Hazal Kaya
Age32 years old (in 2023)
Date of BirthOctober 1, 1990
ProfessionSoap Opera Actress, Model
BirthplaceIstanbul, Turkey
Zodiac SignLibra
Height5 feet 3 inches (1.60 m)
Weight52 kg (114 lbs)
Body Measurements34-25-40 Inches
Body TypeSlim
Waist25 Inches
Hair ColorHazel
Eye ColorDark Brown
Shoe Size8.5 (US)
Dress Size4 (US)

Comparison of Hazal Kaya’s Age with Other Celebrities

CelebritiesAgeDate of Birth
Hazal Kaya32.0October 1, 1990
Selena Gomez30.0July 22, 1992
Emma Watson32.0April 15, 1990
Chris Evans41.0June 13, 1981
Zendaya25.0September 1, 1996
Millie Bobby Brown18.0February 19, 2004

Captivating Movies and TV Shows of Hazal Kaya


  • Honey
  • Ay Büyürken Uyuyamam
  • Aşk Sana Benzer
  • Behzat Ç. Ankara Yanıyor
  • Bi Küçük Eylül Meselesi
  • Çalıkuşu
  • Dersimiz Atatürk
  • Elveda Rumeli
  • Genco
  • İlk Aşk

TV Shows:

  • Adını Feriha Koydum
  • Ask-i Memnu
  • Behzat Ç.
  • Bizim Hikaye
  • Güneşi Beklerken
  • İntikam
  • Maral
  • Sıla
  • Yaprak Dökümü

Social Media Accounts

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How old is Hazal Kaya?

A: Hazal Kaya is currently 32 years old as of 2023.

Q: When was Hazal Kaya born?

A: Hazal Kaya was born on October 1, 1990.

Q: Who is the same age as Hazal Kaya?

A: There are several celebrities who are the same age as Hazal Kaya, such as Selena Gomez, Emma Watson, and Millie Bobby Brown.

Q: Who is older, Hazal Kaya or Chris Evans?

A: Chris Evans is older than Hazal Kaya. He was born on June 13, 1981.

Q: Who is younger, Hazal Kaya or Zendaya?

A: Zendaya is younger than Hazal Kaya. She was born on September 1, 1996.

Q: Is Hazal Kaya the same age as Selena Gomez?

A: No, Hazal Kaya and Selena Gomez are not the same age. Selena Gomez is younger than Hazal Kaya.

Q: Can you provide the birthdate of Emma Watson?

A: Emma Watson was born on April 15, 1990, making her the same age as Hazal Kaya.

Q: How does Hazal Kaya's age compare to other celebrities in her field?

A: Hazal Kaya's age is similar to many talented celebrities in the entertainment industry, and she has achieved great success at a young age.

Q: Are there any other notable celebrities born on October 1, 1990?

A: Apart from Hazal Kaya, there may be other celebrities born on the same day, but it would require further research to provide specific names.

Q: What is the zodiac sign of Hazal Kaya?

A: Hazal Kaya's zodiac sign is Libra.


Feel free to explore Hazal Kaya’s social media accounts and share your thoughts on her bio, career, and achievements!